Compass and Map Skills

1.  Complete this activity on using a compass and grid references.
Senior Device Strategy 2014  Class 2014 2015 2016 Akotoa ipads = 24       Chrome Books = 20 ipads = 15       Chrome Books = 30  (new Chrome Books = 10) ipads = ?         Chrome Books = ? Kawaka ipads = 25       Chrome Books = 10 ipads = 13       Chrome Books = 25  (new Chrome Books = 15) ipads = ?         Chrome Books = ?

2. Play this interactive game in a maze, too!

3.  Make a 1 minute video explaining how to use a compass.  Post it on your blog

4.  Write a post on your blog that explains how a compass works - include a drawing with labels.  You can use this site to help you learn how to use one, first.

5.  Make your own compass using this site to learn how.  Compare it to a real compass and see how accurate it points to north.  Take a photo of your compass and post it to your blog.

6.  Complete the FIO - Geometry Level 3/4, page 20 and 21.  Use some string to work out questions 1-3.  Don't do question 4.